Sunday, January 15, 2017

Putting Forth the Effort

I love being in Gods word but I have to confess that I find it hard to memorize scripture. I would love to just bring what I need to memory the moment I need it. Many times I find my self looking up a passage so that I can share with someone. If I just had more of the bible memorized I could do a better job at sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Reading the bible is one thing however, putting it to memory is another. I just have to put forth the effort and memorize it. A lot of the time I can tell you what the scripture may say but I may not know where the reference is. I have got to do better.
I was talking with a friend the other day and we were discussing how she too struggles with this. We decided it would be great to help each other and learn a verse a week. So, that is what we are going to do. If you would like you can join us. I will be posting the verse we choose each week . I am also going to write it down not just here but also in my journal and on my prayer wall. I tend to memorize better when I see something and then write it maybe this will help you as well.

This weeks bible verse :

Philippians 4:6 (NIV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

How exciting that God wants us to talk with Him. Not just about our needs and wants but about EVERTHING! He cares about our everyday struggles it says “in every situations.” What a great verse to remind us just how much our Father cares for us.
These truths can bring us peace and comfort today just as they did in the day of Paul.

#womenwarriors #livingitdaily #whatdoyourbattleshoeslooklike

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